Energy Efficiency Grants for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises - DCCEEW

Published Tue 20 Feb 2024


Energy Efficiency Grants for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises - DCCEEW


Round 2 of the above grant has just been announced and will open in NSW on 26/2 with a pool of $14,919m.
Grants of $10-$25k are available.
If interested, we need to be ready to begin writing as soon as the grant opens and submit as soon as we have finished writing the application.
This is a demand driven grant program which means as soon as the funding pool is exhausted, the program will close. In NSW, this will be within a few days of the grant program opening.

Andrew Hamilton
Red Tape Busters Pty Ltd – a subsidiary of Transnational Consultancy and Training Services Pty Ltd
P: 0414 557 612      W:


Below list of options.


§ Upgrades for other process control equipment that improves energy efficiency

§ Install energy efficient controls for existing refrigeration equipment

§ Compressed air control improvements that improve energy efficiency

§ Upgrade or tune HVAC controls or Building Management System for improved energy efficiency

§ Install temperature sensors on a heat exchanger

§ Install and program new or replacement controllers, timers or sensors for existing air conditioning equipment

§ Process optimisation - install sensors to improve control of hot water temperature

§ Upgrade commercial refrigeration controls

§ Install automatic controls or monitoring equipment that enable energy efficiency

§ Reconfigure system to reduce the quantity, quality or pressure of air required

§ Retooling to eliminate inappropriate uses of compressed air, replacing nozzles, re-installing solenoid valves closer to the actuator

§ Replace an inefficient compressed air system with an energy efficient electric powered system

§ Reconfigure process equipment to reduce heating needs

§ Reconfigure process equipment to add heat recovery, solar pre-heat, or improve condensate return

§ Reconfigure process equipment to use UV, ultrasonic or chemical cleaning or sterilisation as an alternative to hot water or steam

§ Recover heat from refrigeration oil coolers, desuperheaters or condensers

§ Reconfigure process equipment to reduce evaporation needs

§ Reconfigure process equipment to reduce cooling needs

§ Process optimisation - install pressure sensing equipment or flow control valves to reduce pump pressure

§ Process optimisation - modify/replace nozzles or outlets to reduce hot water demand

§ Install other heat recovery processes

§ Replace a motor with an electronically commutated motor

§ Install a variable speed drive for any motor

§ Replace a motor with a higher efficiency motor, or a lower power motor that is better matched to its duty point

§ Replace a pump, fan, industrial blower, conveyor, compressor or industrial mixer with a more energy efficient equivalent

§ Install external shading to protect windows from sunlight

§ Install heavyweight or insulating blinds to replace existing lightweight window coverings (or where no coverings were previously installed)

§ Install pelmets on windows that are fitted with heavyweight drapes or insulating blinds

§ Replace windows with double or triple/glazed windows with thermally broken or uPVC frames

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