Managed by the King’s Cup Committee and Rowing NSW, the King’s Cup Trust aims to support the New South Wales Interstate Rowing Team. All athletes and coaches involved with the team – from the Under 21 crews to the King’s and Queen’s Cup eights– stand to benefit from the new provision of directed support.

Through the purchase of team equipment and by supporting initiatives aimed at improving the quality of athletes available to the team, the King’s Cup Trust intends to provide the best financial and preparatory foundations to ensure our NSW representatives have the opportunity to perform to their best at the Annual Interstate Regatta.

The King’s Cup Committee has established this Trust aiming to realise the potential performance of NSW in interstate rowing. Since 1983 NSW has won the King’s Cup only eight times (2004, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 & 2014) and Victoria a staggering 18 times. We have only won the overall interstate title (the Rowing Australia Cup) three times since its inauguration in 1999.

The Trust aims to raise a significant capital sum and to utilize the earnings on that capital to achieve our central objective: to improve the performance of NSW crews at the Interstate Regatta.


The King’s Cup Committee, with the support of Rowing NSW, is creating important support networks for NSW State Rowing Teams and the elite athletes and coaches in these teams. Your help will be invaluable in ensuring RNSW can assemble the strongest representative teams with the best preparation for the annual interstate rowing competition in Australia.

With your help, future NSW teams will benefit from new initiatives such as:

  • new training and preparation programs
  • provision of team and athlete support services
  • improved planning initiatives
  • broad coaching support
  • management assistance and
  • specialised equipment

This Appeal is an opportunity to make a difference to our New South Wales rowing teams’ performances. Please give your support by pledging your tax deductible donation now.

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The King’s Cup is one of the most anticipated events in the Australian rowing calendar, and is competed for during the annual Interstate Regatta. With a history that dates back to the late 19th century, interstate rowing boasts some of the oldest and fiercest rivalries in Australian Sport. The Interstate Regatta is held on the final day of the National Rowing Championships each year. Rowers compete for their state in eight crews, men’s and women’s open and under 21 eights, single sculls and quad and four.

The Rowing Australia Cup is presented to the state with the most points from this competition. In recent decades New South Wales has not capitalised on the depth of rowing talent and potential in our state. With the rapid improvement of other states’ development programs, NSW needs to act quickly and effectively to enhance its own elite rowing status at the national level.

The performance of our King’s Cup Eight in 2008-2014 showed a resurgence in our interstate rowing performance. In 2009, for the first time in thirty years, NSW claimed consecutive wins in the King’s Cup on the back of well planned campaigns, and the seven wins in a row marks a new consecutive record for the state. In 2008 and 2013 NSW won the Rowing Australia Cup on the back of our King's Cup wins, with the King's Cup Trust playing no small part.

Now our objective is to continue our winning ways in the King’s Cup and give our other New South Wales crews the same opportunities to achieve success in their events.